Autumn Ministry Updates

Jim & Kathy PublicityRecently, God chose to give a small, obscure rural ministry, Simple Grace, an international scope by using it to offer His love and assistance not only within American borders, but also beyond. Couples and individuals from Alabama, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Colorado, Manitoba Canada, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and many cities here in Nebraska, have recently spent time in our little office. In addition, we have ministered in Alabama, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska this year through conferences and personal counseling follow-up. These precious people have found Christ-centered healing, truth, forgiveness and counseling for the restoration of damaged relationships that they were unable to resolve without ministry assistance.
Our little office has become a birthing center for nine newborn babes in Christ over the past year! Great, God-breathed works have been accomplished because Simple Grace Ministries was available for ministry to the hurting. We, as a ministry and as friends, appreciate the opportunities so deeply. It is a mission of love, and sacrifice, made possible only through God and the support of His servants.
On June 1st, we opened our own office in the little town of Martell. Privacy and a rural background make for a peaceful setting for our clients to pursue solutions to their problems without interruptions. Our friends at the Martell Methodist Church have graciously made this space available in the Martell Community Center. We are in the process of furnishing and decorating the office, although it is fully functional now.

Feel free to read through our website and get acquainted with our ministry.