Biblical Counseling

The counseling care provided by Simple Grace Ministries is a time of concentrated ministry, consisting of reviewing personal history, sharing Biblical principles, experiencing compassionate understanding and participating in forgiveness, communication coaching, recognizing spiritual blind spots, emotional healing and prayer. Counselees can schedule with Jim for a week-long series of morning or afternoon sessions, OR for 2-1/2 – 3 full days of sessions, equaling fifteen to eighteen hours of counseling total. Additionally, although not necessary, taking the opportunity to get away from daily demands or distractions (home, work, children, etc.) and focus on God and restoration provides the best results from counseling. This time, devoted to healing, has proven to be a life-changing experience, bringing joy and peace, and intimacy with the Lord and with one another.

In our passion to impact as many hurting people as possible with solid Biblical restoration, Simple Grace Ministries also schedules weekend conferences to assist people to identify and resolve personal and relationship problems, and to equip churches and communities to minister to brokenhearted people. Jim and Kathy share their own story with poignancy and candor, and present a lively, sometimes humorous, and heartwarming program for couples, singles and leaders. Jim and Kathy are also both available, singly or together, for guest speaking and sharing the principles of healed relationships and restoration of damaged hearts.

Simple Grace Ministries is a non-profit corporation, and continues to be supported through tax-exempt donations. Financial information for client services may be obtained by contacting our office. (402-432-3812 or We continue to seek additional support to provide opportunities to offer counseling on a permanent, full-time basis regardless of the financial condition of our clients.

Jim Hitch completed his counseling training, studies and internship in the field of Biblical Counseling. One of his most appreciated strengths is his ability to accept individuals exactly where they are without disapproval or condemnation. Shame-based behavior modification is NEVER the goal of Jim’s counseling objectives. Our clients are valued for who they are and not for what they have or have not done. Jesus accepted the socially unacceptable people amid great scorn and criticism, modeling for us unconditional love and hope. We have experienced and therefore deliberately purpose to offer complete acceptance through God’s fabulous grace, leading to healing and restoration. Jim is an ordained minister, and a Lincoln City Fire and Police Chaplain. He counsels clients in our Simple Grace private office in Nebraska, and travels to counsel in many other states as opportunities are available.

We invite you to call or email our office! If you would like more information about a confidential, restorative week of Biblical counseling, please contact us. If you would like to discuss a visit to your church or community, we would be honored to talk with you about that also. Our ministry is dedicated to serving the Lord Jesus Christ as He provides opportunities to us. It is our desire to build up the Church of Jesus Christ, one family at a time, through the redemption of each person as a result of the power and love of the Spirit of God. This walk, hand-in-hand with the Lord Jesus, is exciting beyond expression!