A warm welcome and thanks for visiting us here!
One of the unavoidable truths in this life is that there is no perfect human being.
Having the privilege of being raised by a great mom and a great dad, or marrying a great spouse still cannot guarantee a life without struggles and issues on a relational level. The human heart is deep and complicated, and if you add to your journey the dynamic of hurting, damaged individuals, a fallen kingdom, and an enemy of our souls, there is, quite frankly, no one who does not benefit from some solid, Biblical counseling at some time or another. In addition, for those who have experienced abusive or difficult relationships, or trauma, disappointment, and loss, God has provided answers to our needs. We, at Simple Grace, are prepared to work alongside our clients to identify and resolve problems and hurts so that the journey can be restored to peace, joy and intimacy, with one another and with God.
Please browse through our website to discover more about Simple Grace Ministries, and Jim and Kathy Hitch, and how we structure our counseling to meet the needs of our clients. You can call just to ask questions or reach a compassionate heart. We are real people who care. We will be happy to schedule a counseling time for you.